Digital Insanity: boost your business, improve our world. Want to learn more ? This app lets you access the augmented reality during the ICT's event #GenA Insanely Digital organized by Agoria. This app is filled with funny images, videos, 3D model and animations for you to explore and be immersed at the heart of the event!If you don't participate at the event, this app allows you to understand the augmented reality and what it use for. You can download targets and experience some parts of the application also at home.
What's Agoria?Agoria means development through technology. We are paving the way for all technology-inspired companies in Belgium which seek to contribute to the world's advancement by developing or implementing innovations. We are proud that more than 1,700 member companies, accounting for a total of a little over 275,000 workers, are relying on the three pillars of our services: advice, business development and creating the ideal business climate.